Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the type of information collected about you when you visit the Website (the "Site"), how that information may be used, when it may be disclosed, how you can take steps to control its use and disclosure. of your personal information, and how it is protected by us.

In this Privacy Policy, which is available via a link at the bottom of each page of the Site, "We", "us", "our" and “the Site” means "". All terms not defined in this Privacy Policy shall have the meaning given in the Terms and Conditions of Sale ("Terms and Conditions").

This Privacy Policy applies to all "Users" of the Site, including unregistered visitors and "members" who have registered and maintain an account on the site. This Privacy Policy does not apply to information collected through any other websites operated by third parties, such as linked websites operated by sponsors, advertisers and fashion manufacturers.

This Privacy Policy will remain in full force and effect even if your use of or participation in the Site or any particular Service offered through the Site terminates or ceases or is suspended or disabled for any reason, to ensure that you can easily resume use in another moment. In the case of a user who is inactive for more than four years, will delete his or her personal information.

If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not participate in the Site or any activities or Services offered through the Site.

Section 1 - Liability

The Site is responsible for all personal information that it controls. This includes information under the direct control of, as well as personal information that may transfer to its affiliates or service providers, in each case for maintenance, processing support, storage or other similar actions. in the sense that we describe in this document. will use contractual or other measures to require third parties that process information or provide services on our behalf to maintain a level of privacy protection comparable to our own practices. As an example, uses third parties such as payment service providers, printing and shipping processing services, data storage and destruction facilities, and outsourcing providers of assistive technology services.

Any questions or concerns regarding the way in which handles or administers personal information, or regarding this Privacy Policy should be directed to the following email address:

Section 2 - Information Collection

Information is collected on the Site when a user creates a user account, through the completion of a contact form, and through their interaction with the Site (for example, purchasing an item). Members may also disclose information about themselves when using features of the Site, such as user forums or when contacting Customer Service. We may require you to provide us with additional personal information, such as your name, photograph, age and address (via a copy of your driver's license or an invoice), in order to verify your identity, including your address, to participate in our Place

What information is collected by the Site?

We collect two types of information from you when you visit the site: information that does not personally identify you ("Non-Personal Information"), and information that personally identifies you ("Personal Information").

(i) Non-Personal Information

Our Web servers may automatically record certain technical information related to your visit to the Site. This information is anonymous and does not identify you personally. This includes data such as: the Internet domain of your Internet service provider, the IP address of the computer accessing the Site, the address of the last web page you visited before accessing through the Site, the browser used and the type of operating system the computer is using, information about the computer hardware, the date and time you visited the site, and a record of the pages you viewed while visiting the site. Other information, such as demographic information that does not identify an individual, is also considered non-personal information. User Information (described below) is also considered non-personal information.

(ii) Personal Information

By creating a free user account ("Account"), you consent to the collection of personal information, including your email address, your name and date of birth and country, in order to ensure that you are allowed to create an account. depending on your age and place of residence, and that you comply with the Terms and Conditions of Service. If you decide to make a purchase, you will also be required to provide information pertaining to your payment method (for example, your credit card number and expiration date).

We may also collect personal information from you if you choose to send us an email message containing information using links contained on the site. You may also disclose personal information when you post it in user forums on the Site or by contacting Customer Service. Certain information about your activity on the Site is not itself personal information (for example, information about your purchasing preferences), although it may be related to your account information.

In addition to collecting personal information directly from website visitors, we may also collect personal information from third parties, such as marketing partners who have been granted permission to share that information with us.

When downloading any widget or application from, you may also have the opportunity to download software provided by parties other than Please note that when installing and using software provided by third parties, any information that you provide through such use (including personal information) will be subject to the privacy policy of that software provider, and not Our Privacy Policy.

What are cookies and how does the Site use them?

A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that is transferred (through your browser) from a Website to your computer's hard drive. The cookie identifies your browser, but does not allow a Website to know any personal information about you, such as your name or address. These files are used by such websites as a kind of electronic identification tag when users review that site. Because cookies are just text files, they cannot run on your computer, search your computer for other information, or transmit any information to anyone.

Like major websites, the Site uses cookies. Cookies are used by the Site so that we can recognize you when you return to the Site and personalize your settings and preferences. Most browsers are set to accept cookies. If you wish, you can change your browser settings to notify you when you receive a cookie or to reject cookies.

Limits for Collecting Personal Information

We limit the type of mandatory information we collect. We collect only the personal information that is required for the purposes described in the following paragraphs under the heading "Use and Disclosure of Personal Information" below (the "Purposes").

Section 3 - Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

Internal use

We collect, use and disclose your personal information for such purposes to which you consent at the time of collection or in any case prior to such use, and as authorized or required by applicable law, including the operation of our Site; to open and maintain your customer account with us, to provide a product or service requested by you; to communicate with you about site updates, your account status, our new products and services, and upcoming events; to notify you of changes to our products and services; to process payments; for promotional or similar purposes without additional compensation, to prevent fraud and protect the integrity of the site; and to ensure that you comply with the Terms and Conditions and we are permitted to create an account based on your age and place of residence.

We may also, but have no obligation to, use personal information to contact you regarding changes to the Terms and Conditions and other relevant policies or agreements of the Site, including this Privacy Policy.

When you create an account and when we collect your Personal Information, you can customize these preferences. If you wish to change your account preferences or the contact methods we use with you, please contact our Customer Service.

Related Entities and Authorized Service Providers

We may transfer personal information to our service providers who are legally or contractually obligated to only use the information to help us offer our services and not for any other purpose. For example, and as described above, uses third-party contractors to provide services such as payment processing, business analysis, customer service, software development, technology support, etc.

From time to may retain, use or disclose your personal information outside of Spain, although outside of Spain regulatory authorities may access this personal information in accordance with such laws in other jurisdictions.

Co-branded partners

Co-branding partners are third parties with whom may jointly offer a service or feature, such as an item. You can tell that you understand that you are accessing a service offered by a co-branding partner because the co-branding partner's name will be prominently displayed. You may be asked to provide personal information to register for a service offered by a co-branding partner. By doing so, you may be providing your personal information to both us and the co-branding partner, or with your consent, we may share your personal information with the co-branding partner. Please note that the co-branding partner's privacy policy may apply to its use of your personal information.

Marketing Partners

If you authorize it, we may also disclose the personal information you provide to us to our marketing partners who offer products, information or services expressly requested by you and in which we believe you may be interested. To this end, we will make reasonable efforts to ensure that these third parties only use personal information for our stated purposes and that they provide a method of opting out of receiving future communications from those parties, but in any case we will not be responsible for their handling or practices. of dissemination with respect to your personal information. If you later wish to change your account preferences to not receive information from such third-party marketing partners, please contact Customer Service or the "Profile" section.

Legal compliance

There may be instances in which may disclose personal information without notice or choice, as required or permitted by applicable laws, including: (i) pursuant to a subpoena, other form of legal process, or request on behalf of a provincial, local, state government department or agency to investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, (ii) protect the safety and physical integrity of users of the Services or members of the public, or (iii) to protect against fraud or for risk management purposes.

Business transfers

If sells all or a portion of its business or makes a sale or transfer of its assets or we otherwise participate in a merger or transfer of all or a substantial part of its business, may transfer your personal information to the party or parties involved in the transaction as a party to the transaction.

Section 4 - Obtaining consent

In most cases, where we collect personal information directly from an individual, the purposes for which the individual is providing us with the information - for example, in our case as a requirement for us to provide our services - will be clear, and as such, consented to the collection and use of personal information for these purposes. If we decide to use personal information already in our possession for a purpose that was not identified at the time the information was initially collected, we will seek the consent of the affected individuals before using this information for the new purpose. Please note that if the new purpose is required or permitted by law, is not obliged to obtain the consent of affected persons and may not do so. Individuals may withdraw their consent to the collection, use and disclosure of their personal information at any time, subject to certain restrictions set out in applicable privacy legislation, but must acknowledge that by doing so they may be barred from using the services and products. that are offered on the site.

Section 5 - Management of personal information

The Site has policies and procedures regarding how long the information it collects is retained. Personal information that is no longer necessary to fulfill the purposes is either destroyed, deleted, or kept anonymous to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the information. We retain personal information received from third parties in accordance with our legal and contractual obligations. The file containing your personal information will be made available to authorized employees, contractors or agents of who need to access the information in connection with the Purposes and will be held primarily in an electronic database.

Personal information contained in databases is typically stored in a secure data center with an additional copy of the data stored in an equally secure alternative location to ensure that we will be able to recover the data even in the event of a disaster. These computer databases may be located in Spain or in other parts of the world. From time to time, we may transfer personal information stored in the databases (as permitted under this Privacy Policy) to service providers located in Spain or other parts of the world. For example, certain service providers, such as data storage companies, IT companies, database security technicians or corporate affiliates of may have remote access to personal information in our custody, but we use contractual and security safeguards. otherwise to ensure that personal information transferred to such parties is provided with a comparable level of protection as that offered by, regardless of the format in which the information exists.

Section 6 - Accuracy and updating of personal information

The site is committed to open and fair privacy practices that are consistent with applicable privacy laws.

Any person can request access to their personal information held by by contacting the User Service. Our agent will inform the individual of the existence, use and disclosure of his or her personal information and will allow the individual to access such information.

In certain circumstances, to the extent permitted or required by applicable law, access to personal information may be denied. If we deny an individual's request for access to their personal information, we will notify them in writing of the reason why access has been denied and they may appeal the decision.

It is the member's responsibility to provide us with current, complete, true and accurate information, including personal information, and to keep such information up to date. We cannot and will not be responsible for any issues or liabilities that may arise if a member fails to provide us with accurate, truthful or complete information or personal information or the member fails to update such information or personal information.

Upon notification by an individual of his or her desire to delete some or all of his or her personal information from our records, will carry out the deletion or destruction of all such information to the extent that retention of such information is not required. or permitted by applicable law, nor for the investigation of claims or the defense of an action, so some personal data may remain stored for this purpose. Should a person wish to challenge's compliance with any of these principles, they may contact using the contact information described in this Privacy Policy. If believes that a complaint is justified, appropriate action will be taken, including, if necessary, modifying our policies and practices.

Section 7 - Government

The Website is governed and operated in accordance with Spanish law, without taking into account the possible conflict with the legal provisions in force in other countries, and you expressly consent to subject it to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Courts and Tribunals of Madrid, Spain, for the resolution of all disputes that may arise, including those related to the provision of the service and any others. Without prejudice to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, the company providing the service, Sonsoles Cruzate Aparicio 80089891G may request legal help, precautionary measures, security measures or any other form of equitable compensation, in any other Court or Tribunal of competent jurisdiction. You agree that any dispute that cannot be resolved between the parties will be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action.

In no case is it guaranteed that the page is governed or operated in accordance with the legislation in force in other nations. By using the Services and participating in the activities of the website, you certify that you meet the eligibility requirements required by the website and the services established in these Terms and Conditions. If you do not meet the eligibility requirements, please stop using the Site and its services immediately, as your continued use of the Site and Services indicates that you agree to the collection, use, disclosure, management and storage of your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy.

Section 8 - Changes to the Privacy Policy

All policies and procedures are periodically reviewed and updated to reflect changes in our practices and services, including this Privacy Policy. If we change this Privacy Policy, we will update the "effective date" and the changes will become effective upon posting on the Site, provided that such changes do not require us to first obtain your consent to them.